It is 2016 now, and blogs are no longer a hype. But maybe this is just a reason more to start a new one now. The medium is not fresh and shiny any longer, but it still has it's raison d'être.
We don't want to do superficial marketing here, but write about things that interest us - at work and outside of the office, small things that don't vindicate a distinct blog. The topics will be technical, cultural and political with probably many intersections. If we are allowed to, we will write about or work.
Since this blog will have many facets, we don't expect that everything will be of interest for everyone. Please feel free to skip an article or two, the topics will vary from article to article.
All entries will be in English and German.
Links in articles may be either to Wikipedia or to the original source, depending on author and the circumstances. Some do rather read the original sources, others prefer the abstraction and the general overview Wikipedia offers.
Thanks for reading! Pablo Beyen.